Thursday, April 14, 2011

Traveling Cameras

Mark today in the books! I have mailed out two disposable cameras for my second photography project. These crazy, busywork ideas all started one day when I was in Hastings (one of my favorite stores) and came accross this book, Photo Jojo. In it are all kinds of photography ideas, projects, games and just different things to explore with your camera. Project 365 was one idea that I took, along with this next one. One where you take a disposable camera, and mail it to anybody. Have them take a picture and let them know to mail it to anybody they desire to either far away or nearby. Then the last person to take a photo would mail it back to me. Once I receive the camera I will then post the photos and talk about where it had traveled. The point is to see how far and where pictures are taken. I mailed off two cameras, one to my good friend Kelsey in Nebraska and another to a friend in Prague, Czech Republic that I studied with back in 2006. Lets hope that the cameras make it through all 22 exposures and back to me. I may even send out another... who knows?!
I wished them luck as I paid the post lady and can't wait for them to return!!!


Kelsey Pope said...

I got the camera! But have been trying to think of the best thing to take a picture of!! I will try to get that done today since we're spending Easter at home, and get it sent on down the road. I'm really looking forward to seeing the pictures at the end!! :)

Alicia said...

Good Deal! I'm super excited too!