Here's a list of things I would like to complete by December 31st 2013.
That's in a total of 21 1/2 months or 630 days!
If you have any ideas or suggestions that would help please send me a comment :)
- MARRY MY BEST FRIEND on 9.8.2012!
- Complete 8 Pinterest projects (2/8)
- Keep dresser & desk clean/organized for at least 30 days
- Try 2 new recipes a month (4/44)
- Grow a veggie
- Get a new Jeep door
Put stereo in Jeep- Start a 'Jeep Savings'
- Clip Dallas (1/2)
- Trim dog nails once a month (3/22)
- Arrange & stay on top of ladies nights (@ least 3 in a row)
- Clean out
closet& droors - Make a wreath for the house
- Consolidate student loans
- Pay off 1 credit card
- Start an additional savings account
- Buy my own camera
- Pay off my dress
- Finish lawsuit
- Get bill spot organized
- Clean out old files
Open a local bank account- Cut down eating out to 2 times a week for 4 weeks straight
- Stick to grocery list for 4 trips straight (no adding while there!) (1/4)
- Get taxes done earlier than March 15th
- Save $5 for every goal I complete
- Write a 'thank-you' card for every gift received
(engagement gifts) - Send at least 4 birthday cards (0/4)
- Donate clothes & miscellanious items
- Bake someone a surprise dinner or desert
- Buy a meal for the next person in line
- Volunteer in the community
- If someone is sick, visit them. Take a dish, card, or flowers...even if they aren't close friends
- Write 'thank-you's' to all my doctors that helped once I'm done
- Find a consistent stylist
- Donate hair to locks of love
Get liver fixed- Tubes OUT 4/5/12 Follow-up clear 5/9/12Start walking again- Get to rink & get back to practice
- 25:5 or less
- Take a fitness class or do a new video/wii fit game
- Once I'm able to work out, get Paul to join me 3 times a week for 1 month straight
- When health issues are over, work off at least 10% body weight
- Once healthy, get down one jean size
- Skate around Lake Shawnee
Start Couch to 5K- Finish Couch to 5K
- Lotion 4 times a week (whole body) for at least one month
- Drink at least 3 large glasses of water for 30 days straight
- Blog 3 times a week
Come up with one consistent weekly blog idea- Blog the above idea 8 weeks straight
Post book list- Post Project 365 (see ideas on photo sites & what people think of them)
- Attend Lori's Conference
- Attend 6 Agri-Women meetings (1/6)
- Run for a derby office
- Go to a Vixen Bout & watch Sam
- Go to a Siren Dead Girl Bout & watch Raia
- Go to a Chick Whips Bout
Go to a Museum Titanic 100th anniversary, KC- Go wine tasting
- Go to 2 concerts (1/2) 5/18 Eric Church :)
- Eat at 10 new restaurants (4/10)
- Attend a local county fair
- Have a board game night
- Go on 2 new dates a month with Paul (3/44)
- Fly a kite
- Get my first hunting license & go on my first hunting trip
- Go 4-Wheeling with Paul
- Go fishing
- Go to 2 new breweries
- Get new wheels & toe stops
New pair of boots- Watch all 2012 Oscar movies (3/9)
- Watch 4 classics
- Follow my 'Daily List' for 30 days straight
- Start & Finish a new Project 365
- Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
- Scrapbook 1/3 of 2006 trip
- Start 2007 Disney scrapbook
- Put together wedding book
- Finish wedding checklist
- Get gmail down to 50
- Contact other 'Gettel Family Tree' builders
- Talk to 5 relatives that I haven't recently talked to about my genealogy project
- Get grandma's information (genealogy project)
- Enter 1 photo in a contest
- Finish 2 1000 piece puzzles (0/2)
- Celebrate first anniversary
- Put all my cards in a book
Make a date jar- At work go over & beyond in 1 team
- Take dance lessons
- Don't curse for one week straight - No matter what!!!
- Call 1 old friend & Skype with 1 other that I never have
- Start a new goal list when this is complete
- Read 6 books
- Google 1 new thing a week for 8 weeks straight (0/8)
- Actually read my 'word-of-the-day' & tell it to someone for 2 weeks straight
- Learn to crochet
- Memorize skate parts
- Go over derby rule book once I start back up at least 4 times (0/4)
- Sign up for photo classes
- Attend a KSU event
- Attend a U of Michigan or MSU event
- See a lighthouse
- Travel over the Michigan bridge into Canada
- Plan & take honeymoon
- Go to my far away weddings (1/3) by December 2012
- Go to 2 new states